This Development Finance Assessment (DFA) has been driven by the President’s Administration, signifying the intent to deepen and green both financial and capital markets, and to make sustainability a key driver of national development aligned with the national vision and Medium-Term Program.
In line with the approach to mainstream the SDGs into governance and coordination and monitoring and review processes, the aim is to fully align and integrate the SDGs into government policy, and to deploy the new SDG financing approach to shift from a traditional approach to financing, to one focused more on mobilizing private capital and incentivizing innovation.
Given interests in increasing both domestic and foreign flows (including foreign direct investment, portfolio inflows and better use of diaspora funds), strengthening accountability, transparency and anti-corruption efforts will remain central to progress.
The DFA provides a thorough analysis of development financing, starting with the general context and delving into sustainable development specifics. It includes an in-depth review of Kyrgyzstan's financing landscape and discusses aligning the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals within existing planning and budgeting frameworks. The assessment also explores strategic financing entry points and introduces new financial instruments for three key target sectors: agriculture, education, and the green economy. Additionally, it examines governance and coordination mechanisms, offers recommendations for monitoring and review, and concludes with a comprehensive roadmap for short to long-term implementation of development finance strategies.