
The Gambia

The Gambia’s Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF), launched by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs in 2023, provides a comprehensive strategy to support the Recovery-Focused National Development Plan (RF-NDP) 2023-2027 and beyond. The INFF aims to align financial flows with national development priorities and enhance the country’s financing architecture.

The Gambia’s Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF), launched by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs in 2023, provides a comprehensive strategy to support the Recovery-Focused National Development Plan (RF-NDP) 2023-2027 and beyond. The INFF aims to align financial flows with national development priorities and enhance the country’s financing architecture. 

At the heart of the INFF is the Integrated National Financing Strategy (INFS) 2025-2030, completed in December 2024, which addresses financing bottlenecks and policy fragmentation as illustrated in the Development Finance Assessment (DFA) 2024. Builds on inclusive, multi-stakeholder dialogue, the INFS outlines strategies to mobilize public and private finance, optimize domestic resources, boost private sector contributions to green economic transformation, and leverage innovative financing to achieve the SDGs. 

The INFS strengthens linkages between financing and development outcomes, promotes integrated planning, budgeting, sector coordination, and integrates climate action aligned with The Gambia’s 1.5°C Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). It supports innovative financing solutions for key sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, and social protection. Prioritizing private sector engagement, the strategy drives reforms to attract investment, strengthen public-private partnerships, and foster international cooperation for concessional finance and SDG implementation. 

Accountability and transparency are core principles of both frameworks, with mechanisms for capacity-building and strengthened fiscal management. The consensus-driven INFS marks a pivotal step in operationalizing an effective financing framework, providing detailed financing options, policy guidance, and institutional structures for implementation. With full government endorsement of the governance structures prescribed in the INFS, the next step is to operationalize the INFF by reinforcing financing systems, policies, and processes, laying a solid foundation for achieving The Gambia’s long-term sustainable development goals. 

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The INFF Knowledge Platform has a growing library of INFF reports, briefs, case studies, tools and guidelines. Explore resources from The Gambia to gain greater insight into the country’s INFF process.

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