

Djibouti is using the INFF process to reimagine its financing model for sustainable development.

Djibouti is using the INFF approach to develop a financing ecosystem that attracts domestic and international investors. Through the country’s latest national development plan, Djibouti ICI: Institutions-Connectivity-Inclusion (2020 - 2024), the government aims to make Djibouti “a stable, peaceful, clean, secure country providing a serene environment for private initiatives”. Led by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the government has engaged a broad range of stakeholders to inform the development of a national SDG financing strategy to meet the $14 billion cost of Djibouti ICI.

The financing strategy marks Djibouti’s first-ever introduction of the SDGs into a macroeconomic planning framework. It prioritises reforms across public and private financing and identifies SDG-aligned investment opportunity areas. 

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