In 2020, the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development published the first two documents in a series of guidance materials to support INFF implementation – an inception phase guide to support countries in starting their INFFs and establishing INFF work structures; and guidance for building block 1: assessment and diagnostics.
There has been considerable and growing interest from countries to receive further guidance and support to design INFFs. This demand needs to be met with international cooperation and action that coherently brings together existing initiatives, diagnostic tools and capacity-building efforts.
Several countries have already taken steps towards developing financing strategies, drawing on tools and frameworks offered by different organisations, such as development finance assessments, medium-term revenue strategies and medium-term expenditure frameworks.
To help build cohesion between these frameworks, the United Nations and the European Union, in cooperation with a growing network of partners, are developing joint approaches to bring together the respective expertise, tools and relationships of different organisations in support of country-led processes. Joint approaches have begun in a number of INFF pioneer countries. The methodological guidance for the INFF inception phase and for building blocks 1 – 4 are both informing and being informed by the work underway in the INFF pioneer countries.
The INFF Facility was launched in 2022 following the endorsement by G20 Leaders of the G20 Framework of voluntary support for INFFs. The INFF Facility brings together UNDP, UN DESA, the OECD, UNICEF, the European Union and the Governments of Italy, Spain and Sweden as a vehicle to support countries using the INFF approach. It brokers technical support in response to country demand, provides a platform for countries to share experiences and learn from one another, and strengthens partnerships in support of country-led INFFs.