
The Gambia

The Gambia’s INFF underpins the 2023-2027 Recovery Focused National Development Plan, uniting public, private, and innovative financing to advance SDGs.

The Gambia is using the Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) as a strategic tool to support its 2023-2027 Recovery Focused National Development Plan (RF-NDP) and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The RF-NDP, aligned with the 2030 Agenda and African Union Agenda 2063, aims to strengthen democratic governance, foster green economic and social transformation, and boost resilience to crises. The Gambia’s INFF emphasizes a cohesive financing approach, integrating public, private, and innovative sources to ensure sustainable funding for RF-NDP priorities and future development plans.

The Gambia is using the INFF to build a structured foundation to enhance accountability, partnerships, and resource mobilization, and to operationalize robust financing mechanisms that transcend individual development plans and align with broader SDG and climate commitments. Through its INFF, The Gambia is bringing together diverse stakeholders to foster a unified, long-term approach to sustainable development.

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