April 2021

Assessment and diagnostics: Financing needs

Developed by the IATF, this document provides guidance on tools and approaches for estimating the cost of implementing national development priorities.


Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development (IATF)



Document Type

Tools and guidelines

Building Block

Assessment and diagnostics

Useful Links


#INFF #SDGs #2030Agenda #DiagnosticTools #FinancingNeedsAssessment #FNA

Financing needs assessments estimate the cost of implementing national development priorities. Together with findings from the financing landscape assessment they can be used to develop resource mobilisation targets. Financing needs assessments can also deepen the understanding of the interventions needed to achieve development priorities and serve as a reality check on national development strategies.

Developed by the IATF, this document provides guidance on implementing financing needs assessments under the assessment and diagnostics building block. It introduces the main costing methodologies and collates tools and experiences from domestic and international actors who have undertaken financing needs assessments.

By encouraging practitioners to apply these tools within the context of integrated national financing frameworks, the IATF guidance places emphasis on integration across sectors, policy priorities and financing options, medium-to long-term perspectives, on addressing risk, and on addressing sustainability in all its dimensions. 

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