INFFs have been placed at the centre of how to finance the SDGs since the 2015 Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA). Beyond strengthening the connection between planning processes, national budgets and private sector policy, the INFF approach encourages innovation in development finance policies, mechanisms and tools. Currently, over 35 countries across sub-Saharan Africa are operationalizing an INFF. Despite the disruption of the pandemic, tangible progress has been achieved in laying the foundations and tailoring INFFs within different development contexts in the region.
To shine a light on the different INFF-driven innovations emerging from the African continent, UNDP hosted an event on the side-lines of the 2021 African Economic Conference. The event featured presentations from the governments of Nigeria, Cabo Verde and Tanzania as well as two subject matter experts. The country presentations provided rich examples of African efforts and achievements in developing more integrated, holistic approaches to financing both the SDGs and national development plans.
This report provides an overview of the event, summarising the presentations made and the key insights. If you missed the event, you can watch the recording here.