July 2020

Sierra Leone DFA and INFF highlights report

This report, developed by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development with support from UNDP Sierra Leone, presents key elements of the INFF and DFA, including a table of recommended actions.

Sierra Leone’s Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP) 2019-2023 sets an ambitious vision for the country’s sustainable development. It targets various development parameters, including stable economic growth, enhanced public finances and service delivery, alongside progress in poverty reduction, education, health, and peace and cohesiveness. Achieving the targets in the MTNDP will be an important step in Sierra Leone’s journey out of fragility towards its vision of becoming an inclusive, green, middle-income country by 2035.

A development finance assessment (DFA) was commissioned to inform how to finance the plan. The DFA report summarises the findings from DFA dialogues about the landscape, trends, and opportunities for financing the MTNDP. It revealed several opportunities to grow public resources, mobilize new private investments, deepen the engagement of the diaspora and enhance collaboration with new and emerging development partners.

Mobilizing the required resources entails implementing diverse policies and partnerships in collaboration with other actors. To support this, the Government prepared an integrated national financing framework (INFF) to oversee and drive forward financing and means of implementation across the national plan. This abridged version presents key elements of the INFF and DFA, including a table of recommended actions. 

The DFA and INFF were prepared in 2018/2019, often drawing on 2017 data. While specific circumstances may have shifted since that time, the overall elements and recommendations are still considered applicable to the current situation.