February 2020

Public Expenditure Review of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Sector of Malawi

A review provides evidence on the spending patterns and financing of WASH services and emphasizes the need for a more sustainable financing strategy for WASH in Malawi.


The Government of Malawi, UNICEF and the Oxford Policy Management

Document Type






Building Block

Monitoring and review

Useful Links


#WASH #DomesticPublicResources #PER #PublicExpenditureReview

The Government of Malawi carried out a public expenditure review (PER) of the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector in 2019/20 with financial and technical support from UNICEF. The review assesses the sources of revenue and financing structure of WASH programs and interventions in Malawi, analyses the size, composition, equity and effectiveness of WASH spending and outlines options and recommendations to improve the quality of WASH spending in order to benefit all children in Malawi.