January 2021

Benin’s Development Finance Assessment

Benin's Development Finance Assessment (DFA) emphasized achieving results by mobilizing resources from both the public and private sectors, at national and international levels to support the National Development Plan.


Government of Benin, UNDP

Document Type






Building Block

Assessment and diagnostics



Benin's Development Finance Assessment (DFA) emphasized achieving results by mobilizing resources from both the public and private sectors at national and international levels to support the National Development Plans.

The DFA analyzed the existing development financing sources and identified the most promising resources for financing the SDGs. It evaluated the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPBSE) cycle to determine the capacity-building actions necessary to ensure better mobilization and management of financing for development. The assessment also proposed a roadmap specific to each type of financing supported by recommendations for mobilizing and managing the funding acquired. 

The DFA concluded that with the necessary strengthening of several institutions, Benin has the political, institutional, legal and technical organization necessary to implement an Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) to achieve its national goals.