23 January 2023

Cabo Verde’s hoists the blue flag: the first blue bond and its blue finance ambitions

The INFF process in Cabo Verde has led to a series of blue finance initiatives, including the launch of the first blue bond in the country to raise investments in sustainable ocean-based projects

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The INFF process in Cabo Verde has led to a series of blue finance initiatives, including the launch of the first blue bond in the country to raise investments in sustainable ocean-based projects


Christopher Marc Lilyblad
Head of Strategy and Policy Unit, a.i. UNDP Cabo Verde; Development Economist & Head of Strategy and Economic Cluster, a.i. UNDP Guinea-Bissau


Cabo Verde



Building Block

Financing strategy


#BlueBonds #BlueFinance #BlueEconomy #EnvironmentalFinance #InnovativeFinancing #TransitionFinance #PrivateSector #ClimateChange #PrivateFinance #SIDS #MICs