Septembre 2023

Development plan costings repository

At the midway point of the SDGs, there is a widely recognised need to accelerate action and investment that can expedite progress by 2030. Just 12% of SDG targets are on track, with progress for many slow and others backsliding. Within a context characterised by polycrisis, the outlook for scaling up investment in the SDGs is challenging for many countries. This makes having an accurate understanding of the investments that are needed to achieve the SDGs ever more important. 

At the global level estimates suggest investment needs in the order of $4 trillion may be required to achieve the SDGs, with costs having risen over 70% since the pandemic.

Many of the costs of the SDGs will be borne, and investments made, at the country level. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda reiterated that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development, noting that the role of national policies and development strategies “cannot be overemphasized”, while needing to be supported by an enabling international economic environment. 

At the country level, many governments cost their national vision of sustainable development, often articulated through a national sustainable development plan. Comprehending this national understanding and articulation of the necessary costs of sustainable development is an important part of the foundation for efforts to accelerate investment and progress in the second half of the SDG timeline. While the scope, coverage and approach used vary in each country, understanding these national articulations of costs provides an important complement to more standardised international cross-country modelling of costs. 

This repository covers country-led costings from 44 countries, with the beta version focusing initially on countries that are more advanced in understanding these costs within the context of an integrated national financing framework (INFF). The 44 countries covered to date represent more than half of the countries that are developing these INFFs, and the repository will be expanded over time.

Repository of development plan costings

Bangladesh's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) financing strategy for 2024 to 2030 is projected to cost 165,901.67 Billion BDT, which translates to about $1,407 Billion. (link)

Bhutan's Twelfth Five Year Plan, spanning volumes 1 to 3 from 2018 to 2023, indicates a capital outlay of Nu.50 billion (equivalent to $610 million) for Central Agencies and Nu.15 billion (or $183 million) for Flagship Programmes. (link)

The Plurinational State of Bolivia's Social Economic Development Plan (2021-2025) has an investment requirement of Bs230,270.23 million, which is equivalent to approximately $33 billion. (link)

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Development Strategy for 2021-2027 has an estimated implementation cost of BAM 2,508 million, which translates to approximately $1.4 billion. (link)

Botswana’s National Development Plan 11 (2017 to 2023) has estimated a development spending of 101,406 million BWP, which is roughly equivalent to $7.5 billion. (link)

Burkina Faso's National Economic and Social Development Plan (2021-2025) has an estimated budget requirement of CFAF 19,030.60 billion, equivalent to $32 billion. (link)

Burundi's National Development Plan for 2018-2027 entails a cost of investment on its strategic outcomes of BIF 20,384.5 billion, equivalent to $7.2 billion. (link)

Cabo Verde's Strategic Plan of Sustainable Development for 2017-2021 has an estimated budget of 389.21 billion CVE, equivalent to $3.9 billion. (link)

Cameroon's National Development Strategy (2020-2030) has a cost of implementation set at CFAF 37,500 billion, equivalent to $61 billion. (link)

Colombia's National Development Plan for 2022-2026 has a total estimated expenditure of 1,912.458 million pesos, equivalent to $112 billion. (link)

Comoros’ “Plan Comoros Emergent (2020-2030)”, requires resources estimated at KMF 2,068 billion, which is equivalent to 4.2 billion euros or approximately $4.6 billion. (link)

Costa Rica's National Development and Investment Plan (2023-2026) has a total sectoral budget estimation of 26,663.013 billion CRC, equivalent to $50 billion. (link)

The Democratic Republic of the Congo's National Development Strategy Plan for 2019-2023 has an implementation cost of CDF 81.3 trillion, equivalent to $48 billion. (link)

Djibouti's National Development Plan (2020-2024) has a forecasted implementation amount of FDJ 2,482,531.32 million, equivalent to $14 billion. (link)

Ecuador's Opportunity Creation Plan for 2021-2025 requires an investment amounting to $14 billion. (link)

Eswatini's National Development Plan for 2019/20 to 2021/22, Towards Economic Recovery, has an estimated budget requirement of E66,806 million, equivalent to $3.6 billion. (link)

Ethiopia's Ten-Year Development Plan for 2021-2030 has an estimated investment requirement of birr 4490 billion, which is equivalent to approximately $82 billion. (link)

Fiji's 20-year National Development Plan (2017-2036) has an implementation cost of $50 billion. (link)

Guinea's Interim Transition Reference Program (PRI) for 2022-2025 carries an estimated cost of GNF 108,000 billion, equivalent to $12 billion. (link)

Guinea-Bissau's National Development Plan for 2020-2023 has an estimated requirement of CFAF 2336.7 billion, which translates to approximately $3.9 billion. (link)

Indonesia's National Medium-Term Development Plan for 2020-2024 requires an investment of 35,455.6 trillion Indonesian Rupiah, equivalent to 2,315 billion USD to achieve the targeted economic growth. (link)

Jordan's Indicative Executive Program has an indicative cost of 7.592125 dinar, which is equivalent to approximately $10 billion. (link)

Kenya's Third Medium-term Plan (2018-2022) has an indicative budget of 4,528,764 KSH million, equivalent to $31 billion. (link)

Lao PDR's 9th Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development (2021-2025) has a total targeted estimated expenditure of 190,000 billion LAK, equivalent to $9.7 billion. (link)

Malawi's Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) III (2017-2022) has an estimated cost of MWK 5,303,247.76 million, equivalent to $5.0 billion. (link)

Mali's Strategic Framework for Economy Development and Sustainable Development (2019-2023) estimates the overall implementation cost to be XOF 13,876 billion ($22 billion) under the trend scenario and XOF 14,320.4 billion ($23 billion) under the optimistic scenario. (link)

Mauritius' Three-Year Strategic Plan spanning 2018/19 to 2020/21 has an estimated investment requirement of Rs 119.7 billion, which is equivalent to approximately $2.7 billion. (link)

Mongolia’s Five-Year Development Guidelines for 2021-2025 has an estimated cost of MNT 50 trillion, equivalent to $15 billion. (link)

Nepal's Needs Assessment, Costing, and Financing Strategy for Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030) outlines a total SDG investment need of NPR 2,036 billion for 2023-25, equivalent to $15.461 billion. For 2026-30, the required investment is estimated at NPR 3,060 billion translating to approximately USD$ 23 billion. (link)

Nigeria's National Development Plan for 2021-2025 has a cost estimation of NGN 384.1 trillion, which is equivalent to approximately USD$440 billion. (link)

The Republic of the Congo's National Development Plan for 2022-2026 is estimated at an overall cost of XAF 8,946.8 billion, equivalent to $3.6 billion. (link)

São Tomé and Príncipe's National Sustainable Development Plan for 2020-2024 has an estimated budget requirement of Dobras 48,281 million, which translates to approximately $2.2 billion. (link)

Senegal's Emerging Senegal Plan (PAP 2019-2023) has an estimated cost of CFAC 14,712 billion, equivalent to $23 billion. (link)

Seychelles' National Development Strategy (2019-2023) has an estimated resource envelope of SCR 65 billion, equivalent to $4.9 billion. (link)

Sierra Leone's Medium-term National Development Plan for 2019-2023 has a total development cost of $8.2 billion. (link)

South Sudan's Revised National Development Strategy for 2021-2024 has an estimated cost of SSP 4330.80 billion, which translates to approximately $7.2 billion. (link)

Suriname's Multi-Annual Development Plan (2022-2026) has an expected expenditure estimated at US$ 1.3 billion. (link)

Tajikistan's Medium Term Development Program for 2021-25 has a development financing estimated at 204.8 billion somoni, equivalent to $18 billion. Additionally, the estimated cost for the Action Matrix stands at 115.3 billion Somoni, translating to $10 billion. (link)

Tanzania's National Five-Year Development Plan for 2021/22-2025/26 has an estimated resource envelope of TZS 114.8 trillion, equivalent to $46 billion. (link)

Timor Leste's Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030) has an expenditure target of $28 billion. (link)

Togo's Government Roadmap (FDR) for 2020-2025 has an estimated cost of FCFA 3,400 billion, equivalent to $5.6 billion. (link)

Uganda's Third National Development Plan (NDPIII) for 2020/21-2024/25 is estimated to cost UGX 411.681 trillion, equivalent to $110 billion. (link)

Ukraine's National Recovery Plan for 2022 outlines a total funding need of more than $750 billion over the period from 2022 to 2032. (link)

Zambia's Eighth National Development Plan (2022-2026) has an estimated cost of K997.1 billion, which is equivalent to approximately $48 billion. (link)