Juin 2019

Development Finance Assessment of Cameroon

The Development Finance Assessment of Cameroon aims to address the significant financing gap in achieving its Sustainable Development Goals by evaluating all current and potential sources of financing.


Government of Cameroon, UNDP

Type de document






Bloc de construction

Assessment and diagnostics

Mots clés


The Development Finance Assessment (DFA) of Cameroon aims to address the significant financing gap in achieving its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by evaluating all current and potential sources of financing. This assessment identifies underutilised resources and the most promising financial opportunities to support the country’s development objectives. The DFA assesses the national frameworks for planning, programming, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluation of development, to identify areas where linkages can be strengthened to enhance the mobilisation and efficient management of resources. The report recommends detailed roadmaps for different types of financing and an action plan to mobilise and better manage funding in order to achieve optimal mobilization of resources to achieve the national development goals.