Janvier 2022

Development Finance Assessment for Senegal

Senegal's DFA provides an assessment of the financing landscape and financing flows, evaluation of development finance policies, institutional and governance arrangement and a roadmap for implementing the INFF for Sustainable Development Goals.


Government of Senegal, UNDP

Type de document






Bloc de construction

Assessment and diagnostics

Mots clés


Senegal's Development Finance Assessment (DFA) provides an assessment of the financing landscape and financing flows, evaluation of development finance policies, institutional and governance arrangement and a roadmap for implementing the INFF for Sustainable Development Goals. The DFA of Senegal aims to optimize tax revenues, particularly by broadening the tax base and improving the efficiency of public spending to create fiscal space. There is also focus on closing the structural funding gap through a solution-oriented approach, improving resource allocation, and accelerating private investment in support of the SDGs.