17 Mai 2024

The Government of Indonesia Issued Japanese Yen-Denominated Government Debt Securities (Samurai Bond) and Blue Bonds

The Government of Indonesia has successfully issued Government Debt Securities (SUN) in foreign currency denominated Japanese Yen (Samurai Bond) amounting to JPY 200 billion, including the Second Issuance of the Blue Bonds. The issuance of Blue Bonds is in line with the government’s financing strategy to diversify sources of investment.

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The Government of Indonesia has successfully issued Government Debt Securities (SUN) in foreign currency denominated Japanese Yen (Samurai Bond) amounting to JPY 200 billion, including the Second Issuance of the Blue Bonds. The issuance of Blue Bonds is in line with the government’s financing strategy to diversify sources of investment.





Bloc de construction

Stratégie de financement

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